Sinimägede ja Narva-Jõesuu muuseum

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Vaivara Sinimägede SA

Registry code: 90003060

Director: Ivika Maidre, contact tel. 56474552, please call in advance for an appointment.


Pargi 2, Sinimäe, 40101

The Council of the Vaivara Sinimäge Foundation includes:
Madis Tuuder- nõukogu esimees
Angelina Liiv
Inge Muškina


The MilHer project was co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the European Neighborhood Instrument.

Project “Introduction of military heritage in Ida-Virumaa and Viimsi”

The general goal of the project “Introduction of military heritage in Ida-Virumaa and Viimsi” (abbreviation MilHer, Eng. k. Promotion of military heritage in Ida-Virumaa and Viimsi) is to improve Estonian residents’ knowledge of the events of World War II in Estonia, to make learning about it easier and more exciting, to bring more people to war museums and to encourage both locals and foreign visitors to explore Northeast Estonia.

The immediate goal of the project is to prepare a historical journey connecting Viimsit and Ida-Virumaa, which will lead the interested party to the events that took place in II MS Estonia, and for this purpose a series of activities will be carried out:

preparation and publication of the tourist route on the websites of the Estonian War Museum and Vaivara Sinimägede museums;
preparation and publication of a multilingual military tourism publication;
Development of II MS themed expositions in museums, including Vaivara Sinimägede museum exhibition “People and destinies” and an outdoor learning area in the Estonian War Museum in Viimsi and an expanded exhibition of the heavy equipment hangar;
two information kiosks (about the IL-2 aircraft and the T-34 tank) and the installation of the T-34 in the Vaivara Sinimägede Museum;
four information boards at the visiting points along the route.

The activities of the MilHer project are carried out by the Estonian War Museum – General Laidoner Museum and Vaivara Sinimägede Museum in the period 01.07.2023 – 31.12.2023 and it is financed by the External Border Program of the Estonian European Union.

In the Footsteps of the Second World War from Vaivara to Viimsi

An exploration of the war events of 1941 and 1944 along a route from war museum to war museum.

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